Ready to have races you’re proud of?


You can,


  • Feeling helpless against all the fear, doubt and anxiety that says you’ll fail

  • Needing everything to be perfect to have a chance of hitting your goal

  • Adding more and more training miles - and still worrying it’s not enough

  • Feeling like you trained, but you don’t really know what you’re doing on race day

  • Hitting your goal - then secretly believing it was a fluke

The answer isn’t asking more of your body -

It’s using the untapped potential of your mind.

You can build this in 1:1 Mindset and Strategy Coaching

You put time, money, effort, courage, and your dreams on the line.

On race day, you want to feel 100% ready, knowing you’ve done everything to make your big investment pay off.

10x your results - faster and easier

You don’t have years to guess how to maximize your mental performance—those are years you want to spend racing at your max instead.

Sign up today to:

  • Stop DNFing

  • Go all in for that intimidating ‘A’ race

  • Control negative thinking, even in the lowest moments

  • Get the mindset skills the toughest ultrarunners have

  • Stand at the starting line confident that you’re ready

  • Make months of training pay off big on race day

  • Get past imposter syndrome and perfectionism

  • Learn to trust yourself and your decisions

  • Become unstoppable

  • Live up to your potential

  • Balance ultrarunning with real life

Reach your potential faster.

Who It’s For

  • NEW

    Just starting out as an ultrarunner or moving up to a new distance? Now is the perfect time to build the essential mindset and strategy skills that will make your training count and carry you forward to success for years to come.


    You’re comfortable with ultras and ready to push your limits—whether that’s tackling a longer distance, a tougher type of race, or becoming more competitive. You need your mindset and strategy on point when every minute and every decision matters.


    With plenty of races under your belt, you want to make your running more fulfilling, get back to the joy of it, and extend your ultrarunning as you age.

Get the Free Training!

Get instant access to one of the skills you’ll learn in 1:1 coaching.

Create a Strong 'Why' That Powers You to The Finish

Ultraunning is more than a hobby - it’s daring to become the person you can be

Someone confident enough in yourself to take risks, run your own race, and know you can trust yourself not going to quit even when you’re exhausted, it’s cold and dark, and you have 40 miles to go.

Not everyone takes on a challenge as extraordinary as ultrarunning, but you do - and you also know it’s smart to put all the odds you can in your favor.

That means getting the mindset skills and strategy techniques you need from a long-time expert who has taken proven skills learned over decades of ultrarunning and simplified them for you.

Client Results

What you get

In 1:1 Mindset and Strategy Coaching, we create a plan to achieve your unique goals. As we go, I’ll teach you these five elements you need to become a mentally strong ultra runner.

  • How to control the negative “I can’t do it” thinking and use the power of your mind to run better. This process is simple enough to use in the middle of a race and it works on any negative thinking - even in your everyday life. You no longer have to be scared of negative thinking.

  • This is a game-changing approach to race planning you won’t find anywhere else—integrating both the physical and mindset parts of your race together. It shows you exactly how to execute your plan to hit your goal and create the race experience you want. Clients are consistently amazed by how calm and confident they feel heading into race day with this strategy.

  • Four critical mindset skills every ultra runner needs to run your best, at any distance, race format, and experience level. These alone can save a race:

    • Relentless Focus

    • Problem Solve Like a Pro

    • Pain Mastery

    • Surf the Lows

  • Lose your fear of setting big goals and DNFing, to become unstoppable. This is the gritty mental and emotional strength you’ve been looking for. Learn how to bet on yourself and know you’ll win..

  • The way you see yourself as an ultra runner directly impacts how you run - it can either limit you or help you reach bigger goals. You have to upgrade your self-image as an ultrarunner to match what you’ve achieved and the more you are capable of, to get there. We solve self-image issues like belonging, competition, comparison, and self-worth, and how to truly celebrate yourself.

    You run the way you see yourself, and it limits your results, so this can make or break your race. Upgrade the way you see yourself as an ultra runner to match reality and the possibility you truly have ahead. Solve issues like belonging, competition, comparison, and self-worth and finally learn how to celebrate yourself.

How It Works - The Big Picture

  • You start with something you want to change, achieve or learn

  • We design a customized plan to get you there

  • We meet in weekly private sessions to learn skills, review progress and get coaching on new issues, decisions or questions

  • In between sessions, you do any homework and apply skills

  • We get you from where you are now to a 10 in your goal

  • It doesn’t matter how slow you think you are or how many DNFs you’ve had - I’m here for you, and you can 100% do this.


The Details

  • We work together for 6 months to give you plenty of time to learn, practice, race, fail, adjust, get back up and do it all in your real, everyday life

  • We meet weekly 1-hour sessions, either online by Zoom or by phone

  • Weekly sessions are tailored to your progress and what you need - you’ll typically:

    • Learn or practice a new skill

    • Get coaching on a fear, doubt, anxiety, or question

    • Uncover a blind spot holding you back

    • Get help making and committing to decisions

    • Plan strategy for an upcoming race, or

    • Evaluate a recent race so you can up level faster in the next one


The mental and emotional strength you want?

It’s 100% possible.

Ready to race at full strength - body and mind?