Stop the Past from Holding You Back

The 100-mile race you’re thinking about is exciting. 

It looks challenging and beautiful.

You want to register but you flash back over the recent races you’ve run.

You’re a slow, back-of-the-pack runner.

You won’t be able to finish this race - it’s too tough for you. It’s exciting, but you need to stick to easy courses. Races with generous cutoffs.

That…is a story. 

It might seem real and if you're attached to it, you’ll insist on showing me all the evidence of its realness, but none of it is a fact.

“Slow” isn’t a fact, and neither is “too tough” or what type of race you “need” to stick to.

None of this is a truth. It’s all subjective.

What’s slow to you might not be slow to me, and I can almost guarantee we’d disagree on what’s too tough for you and what type of race you “need” to stick to.

It’s all just a story you’ve unintentionally accepted as reality - a limiting reality.

Continuing to believe this is “just the way it is” holds you back because you keep repeating the result.

If you DNFd the last 100, you’re sure you’ll DNF this one too. 

You remember it happening over and over again in your head. That depressing moment you decided you were going too slow to finish, and decided to drop.

You imagine the same disappointment in the upcoming race, dropping in defeat as you watch other runners as tired and hurting as you leave the aid station anyway.

You expect it so much, you end up repeating it.

But fighting against the story doesn’t work either because you’re still focused on the old story. 

If you DNF’d the last 100, you’re determined not to do it in this one.

You try not to think about DNFing because you’re scared you'll repeat it.

You try forcing yourself to believe you won’t DNF, because you still believe you will.

You work so hard against it that you overthink and overtrain.

You focus on it so intensely - resisting it this time - that you still end up repeating it.d

The most effective way to change the past is to simply let go of it and start building the future you want.

Start by imagining it the same way you imagined that tired old story. 

If your ultrarunning future could be anything, what does it look like? 

Are you running more races? 

Going for harder races you used to assume were out of reach?

More interested in pushing your limits than avoiding DNFs? 

What do you think and feel about it?

Fill in all the detail.

Write the new story.

You’re going to live into the story you tell yourself about yourself so make it everything you dream it can be.

I’m here to help you define it, believe it, and go for it.

Email or message me that you’re interested and we’ll schedule a consult call about getting you results today.

Now is the moment you replace that tired old re-run with a dazzling new hit.

Susan Donnelly

Susan is a life coach for ultrarunners. She helps ultrarunners build the mental and emotional management skills so they can see what they’re capable of.

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